Grace for a Leopard

A children's book that beautifully illustrates the essence of grace.
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Grace is foundational in understanding God's love and blessings toward us. It's the good news of God's unearned favor (Acts 20:24). Helping children grasp the concept of grace at a young age is a great advantage for their spiritual growth.

Follow Leopard as he learns about grace through two contrasting scenarios with his friends Tiger and Lion. This charming story provides a relatable allegory that teaches the truth of grace in an engaging and memorable way.

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About the Authors

Angelo & Kristin Terminel

Angelo Terminel is a designer and writer, and currently works for RightNow Media, a Bible study video platform. Angelo has a strong background in teaching the Bible, with over a decade of experience in instructing children and young adults at Transformation Calvary, a non-denominational church in California.

His wife, Kristin, is a dedicated homemaker for their five children, which includes two sets of twins. Kristin earned her master's degree in chemistry at Cal Poly Pomona University in California and was a lecturer at the same university. She also taught children at Transformation Calvary for 10 years, before dedicating her time to homeschooling her own. Together, Angelo and Kristin have a passion for sharing God’s Word through stories that children can connect with.

Our Approach

We want to provide children with a deeper understanding of God's Word through relatable stories so that they are firmly rooted in Christ, equipping them for a lifetime of unwavering faith.
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Precision and Clarity
Our story has been thoughtfully crafted to clarify the theme of grace, with every element intentionally designed to facilitate learning.
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Whole Council of God
We believe it's easy to underestimate what children can grasp—so our content delves beyond the usual topics for young readers (Acts 20:27).
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Parent Discipleship
The best discipleship starts at home, and we aim to equip parents with resources to foster their child's spiritual growth (Deut. 6:5-7).
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Immediate Action
Young hearts are fertile soil. Now is the time to sow God’s Word. Let us seize the time and 'make hay while the sun shines' (John 9:4).
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Children love to read the same books over and over. We leverage this organic repetition to reinforce the truth embedded in the story.
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Creative Teaching
We want to use our God-given teaching and creative gifts to effectively communicate to children (Ro. 12:6–8, Ex 35:35).